Board-Certified Music Therapist


Coffee, Tea, and Music Therapy

Episode 8 – World Autism Month

An Interview with Reid Moriarty: musician, podcast host, actor

Reid is charismatic. He is joy in human form. Reid has autism. Reid is a musician, a content creator, a celebrity interviewer, and a podcaster. I am honestly jealous of all the cool people that he has interviewed on his podcast Talk Time, one of my favorites being Andy Grammer.

Reid tells us about some of his favorite interviews from his podcast, and he talks about his band, Jungle Poppins. He is a natural-born entertainer, and you are going to love getting to know him on this episode of the podcast!


An Interview with Andrea Moriarty: writer, advocate, mother

Andrea is Reid’s mom. It’s no wonder that Reid thrives the way he does, given the support and encouragement he receives from his mom and dad, sister, therapists, community members, neighbors, and friends. Andrea has written two books: One-Track Mind and Radical Inclusion. I am reading her first book and can’t wait to finish it and start the next one.

She talks about her family’s journey as they’ve navigated the joys and the challenges of learning how to best support Reid. She shares the importance of finding your child’s niche and unique strengths and then capitalizing on them. For Reid, she knew from the start that music and entertaining would be the environment in which he would thrive. And even more specifically, she talks about the magic of music therapy in Reid’s life, from when he was first diagnosed with Autism at age three to now at age 26.


Friends Fun Trivia!


This is the final segment of the show that is purely my own guilty pleasure – a clip from Friends. It’s a fun excuse for me to hear from you. :) It’s simple: click here, record your name, where you’re from, and the answer to the trivia question. If you are one of the first of three people to call in with the correct answer, you will receive Andrea’s book in the mail!

Take a listen and share your answer to the question that I ask at the end of the episode. I would love to hear your voice and send you a surprise in the mail.

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Win a free book!

Be one of the first three people to correctly answer the Friends Fun trivia question, and we’ll send you this book by Andrea Moriarty.

Resources and links related to the show:

Reid Moriarty: website

Reid Moriarty: youtube channel

Andrea Moriarty, author and mother

Banding Together, nonprofit that provides unique music opportunities to individuals with special needs

The songstream project: voices of autism documentary

Autism Speaks: resources for parents, educators, and people with autism

Music Credits

Good to be Alive (Hallelujah) by Andy Grammer

Brush your Teeth by Raffi

Java Jive by The Inkspots


Produced and edited by

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