Board-Certified Music Therapist


Coffee, Tea, and Music Therapy

Episode 3 – Caregiver appreciation with special guest: Dina Rincon

An Interview with Dina Rincon, daughter and caregiver of Vera


I met Dina when I was a music therapy intern for Seasons Hospice. That was three years ago, and I am grateful to call her a friend and have the opportunity to talk with her on the podcast. Dina is someone who provides dignity and respect for her mom, Vera, who has Alzheimer’s. Vera has lived with Dina for 11 years, and you will hear from Dina that the road hasn’t been easy, but she wouldn’t change a thing. She considers it an honor to care for her mom, even though the journey is difficult.

If you are a caregiver or know a caregiver, you will be glad you tuned in to my interview with Dina. She shares wisdom on how to cope with the journey ahead. Take a listen and let me know how you cope as a caregiver or as someone who supports a caregiver!


How the Pandemic has affected Caregivers: a discussion between Mark and Jill

Mark and I talk about the challenges of being a full-time caregiver and how the pandemic has had an even greater effect on those challenges. We read a few articles and discuss how to help support caregivers and/or how to cope if you are a caregiver. The research isn’t shocking, understanding how isolating and difficult it has been to cope during Covid, but it is helpful to see the warning signs of burnout and exhaustion so we can be proactive about seeking the help and support we need.

Do something practical for a caregiver like picking up groceries and dropping them off.

Do something practical for a caregiver like picking up groceries and dropping them off.


HELP us for our Holiday Episode!

We need your help! We’re putting together a montage of “musical” Christmas/holiday memories, and we want to hear from you! It’s simple, click on this link and hit “start recording.” Once finished, you just type in your name and send. Please take 2 minutes to record us a message on Speakpipe! It’s so much more meaningful to hear each of your voices. :) And we have a small gift as a token of our thanks for your contribution to the podcast that we’ll send to you.

When recording, please include the following: your name, where you’re from, and your musical memory associated with Christmas.


Produced and edited by


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Need a plan to grow your music therapy practice, but you’re not sure where to start? Try starting here. Download our Annual Strategic Planning Guide to get your mind around what you want to accomplish in the next 12 months. It’s FREE! The guide will help you explore key areas of your practice and put you on a path to achieve your business goals.

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