Board-Certified Music Therapist

Jill's Blog

Latest musings on my experiences in Music Therapy

Music Therapy Zoom Happy Hour

I enjoyed hosting our first Music Therapy Zoom Happy Hour on Friday, Nov. 13. Our goal is to meet once a month and provide a platform for music therapists to learn from each other, to share challenges and celebrate successes, and be in community together.


If you are a board certified music therapist or are a student on your way to becoming board certified, please reach out, and I’ll add you to our happy hour invitation list! If you know of someone who would be interested, please let me know. The great thing about Zoom is that geography is not a limitation; we can all connect and support one another in our profession.

I look forward to meeting many more music therapists at our next Zoom Happy Hour: Friday, Dec. 11 at 5:00 pm (PST). The topic will be “Holiday Interventions,” so come with a music intervention that you love to do with clients around the holiday season.

I can’t wait to learn from all of you!