Board-Certified Music Therapist


Coffee, Tea, and Music Therapy

Episode 5 – Tips and Tricks for Small Business Owners

An interview with Nikki: Board-Certified Music Therapist and Business Owner

Mark and I enjoyed talking with Nikki Belshe Lanza, owner of Heart and Harmony Music Therapy. We asked her a ton of questions, everything from what it was like to start a music therapy private practice to how to juggle owning a business with starting a nonprofit. She shared some of her personal challenges and struggles but encourages anyone who has the motivation and desire to start a business to “just go for it!”

I got excited when one of her top book recommendations was, in fact, the book that Mark and I discussed on this same episode! I hope you enjoy listening to what Nikki has to say as much as I did.


Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

flip the formula.png

One of Nikki’s book recommendations for entrepreneurs is Profit First by Mike Michalowicz, and, as it turns out, Mark and I had already spent time discussing the book for this podcast episode. This book has transformed how I manage my business finances, and it has impacted not only my spending, but also my saving. I have always been a person who is hesitant to spend money on anything other than just the essentials or necessities, but this book helped me allow for some “fun” spending with profit money.

Mike reframes our view of profit and changes the equation. If you run your own business or even if you want to manage your money more effectively, read the book and then tell us what you learned or changed about your money management in your business.


Jill’s Audio Journal


If you caught my audio journal from episode one, you probably remember the raw emotion in what I shared regarding the challenges of starting a business, specifically in feeling the pressure of wanting to be successful and the fear of failing.

In my audio journal of episode five (this latest episode), I talk about the decisions I had to make that were best for my family and me, particularly in finding alternative work while still building my business. It was hard to make those decisions, but I am glad that I did. Are you a small business owner who can relate? I’d love to hear from you on speakpipe! Tell me about your challenges and struggles that you’ve faced and overcome as a small business owner.

Friends Fun Trivia!


I know that Friends trivia has nothing to do with music therapy, but I wanted to add a piece of “Jill joy” to the podcast, and I came up with this. If you have no interest in this segment, no worries. You can just stop listening, knowing that you heard everything important up to this point. But if you’d like to participate in the fun, take a listen and be one of three listeners to answer the question correctly.

The first three to answer correctly will receive a copy of the book we discussed in the podcast: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. So take a listen and go to and give me your answer to the question: when and why did Monica say what she said (quote in the episode)?

Book recommendations by Nikki:

The economics of therapy by Daniel Thomas and Vicky Abad

the ethics of private practice by Steven Walfish and others

profit first by Mike Michalowicz

radical candor by Kim Scott


Produced and edited by

Jill Leonard1 Comment